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Date parsed: 4/5/2000 5:00:10 PM
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 16:00:10 +0200

Dear Franz !
I have downloaded SL4NT20 and started to use it.
I find it a very good software, but have some problems.
First it seems to me the evaluation of priority levels in rules probably
I get match for INFO level when I set both min and max priority levels

Secondly, I am getting a syslog (and want to match it).
..... Serial3/0:n .... down
(when n=3D 1 or 2 or 3 or 4) and I created a regular expession bellow
But this does not match.
If I use Serial3/0[1-4] works but for up and down also matches
I would like to separate the twoo cases.

Thank in advance: Joseph

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