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Date parsed: 4/6/2000 8:49:41 PM
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:49:41 +0200

Hi Joseph,

I couldn't reproduce your problems:

- INFO messages where correctly ignored if the Priority range didn't =
the INFO priority. Could it be that you have more than one rule defined =
the log entry was produced by another rule, not the one you describe?

- I set the rule regex string to: "^.*Serial3/0:[1-4].*down$" and send =
messages with a message text of: "SomeTestCharacters Serial3/0:1
SomeTestCharacters down". These messages did match successfully. I noted
that in the regex you specify:
> ^.*Serial3/0[1-4].*down$
the colon after the digit 0 and before '[' is missing. Was this just a =
in the message?

If your problems still persist, please backup your configuration to a =
(with the SL4NT Manager) and send it in a message to me. I will then =
load it
and try to look for the cause of your problems.


"Joseph Soros" <> wrote in message
> Dear Franz !
> I have downloaded SL4NT20 and started to use it.
> I find it a very good software, but have some problems.
> First it seems to me the evaluation of priority levels in rules =
> mixed.
> I get match for INFO level when I set both min and max priority levels
> to ERROR.
> Secondly, I am getting a syslog (and want to match it).
> .... Serial3/0:n .... down
> (when n=3D 1 or 2 or 3 or 4) and I created a regular expession bellow
> ^.*Serial3/0[1-4].*down$
> But this does not match.
> If I use Serial3/0[1-4] works but for up and down also matches
> I would like to separate the twoo cases.
> Thank in advance: Joseph

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