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We have been using Disclaimit 3.3 happily for the last year on SBS 2003. Recently we have upgraded to Server 2012 with Exchange 2010 and have installed version 4.7 (currently on evaluation licence), which is working well. We are also increasing the number of users we need to support from 75 to 100.

Can i upgrade the 3.3 licence using a Coupon Code and also increase our users from 75 to 100?

Also, does anyone know if a new version of Disclaimit will be released for Exchange 2012 or will version 4 work? Basically will i need to upgrade again when we upgrade to 2012?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Andy,

>Can i upgrade the 3.3 licence using a Coupon Code and also increase our users from 75 to 100?

if ordering online: You can upgrade your current 75 user license for DisclaimIt 3.x to a 75 user license for DisclaimIt 4.x for half the full price by using the upgrade coupon code. In addition, you would need to purchase a new, additional 25 user license for DisclaimIt 4.x. When ordering, please make sure that you specify exactly the same licensee name for both licenses.

You can also order an uprade from your 75 user license for DisclaimIt 3.x to a single 100 user license for DisclaimIt 4.x by purchase order directly from us (the price would be the same as the sum of the prices of the two licenses when purchased online).

>Also, does anyone know if a new version of Disclaimit will be released for Exchange 2013 or will version 4 work?

Exchange 2013 is not supported by any 4.x version (and never will be).

DisclaimIt 5.0, which provides support for Exchange 2013, will be released within one week.


Thanks Franz for the quick reply, it may pay to wait for version 5.0.
Hi Andy,

>it may pay to wait for version 5.0.

definitely not:

1.) DisclaimIt 5.0 supports only Exchange 2013 (not Exchange 2007/2010) and a 5.x license is not valid for 4.x versions!

2.) With the release of DisclaimIt 5.0 in the next days, the prices for all licenses will be increased by 20% (this is the first price increase after six years).
